Custom Computer Nodes

UPDATE: I have posted a fixed version of this little mod on 11/14/2001.  I recently discovered and fixed a bug which causes a GPF if the player hacks into a security computer and then logs off.  It works correctly now!

You may or may not have noticed that when adding a security or personal computer to your maps, you can't set your own text or logo textures.  To see what your options are without any extra coding, see Setting Up Computers.  Although there are titleString, titleTexture, and nodeName values that you can set, they were never implemented.  The following code will implement all of those, plus add a new value that you can set: nodeAddress.

To download all eight script files, click here. (5K)

Just copy those files to your Classes folder for one of your packages and replace any references to "MyPackage" to the name of your package.  If you know what you're doing, you can also rename these files to whatever you want, as long as you change all of the appropriate references.

After building these into your package, you can add MyComputerPersonal and MyComputerSecurity items to your maps, and you'll be able to customize the login windows.  If you fill in the titleString, titleTexture, nodeName, or nodeAddress values, that will override whatever would normally be set when you select a ComputerNode value.

The titleTexture is the logo in the upper-right corner - for these to look right, you'll want to only use the top left 61 x 61 pixels.  The rest should be set to the "Index 0" palette color so that that part will be transparent.  For more information on creating masked textures, click here.

The titleString is the text line that appears below the User Name and Password - in the example below it is "Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)".

The nodeName is what appears after "Welcome to" in the title - in this case "CIA Headquarters".

Finally, if you expand "MyComputers" in the properties, you'll see a new value called nodeAddress.  In this case it was set to "1234.666".

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